Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Textured MelterMan!

So we got the main character in the game and he's all textured.  Turns out the animations from Miximo aren't going to work for what we need him to do ie: hold a gun and shoot.  So Brandi, our animator has started making animations in Unity.  This is very new to her so it might take a while to get them done.  As far as the texture goes, we realized that his hair color is too dark and blends in with the background.  To fix this I made him a red head.  I think I might try making him blonde and changing his shirt to green instead of yellow.  I also upped the saturation on the rest of him to make him pop against the background even more.

The programmers are also having to completely change the controller for the character.  I think once that's done he will at least move fluidly and we'll have a good sense of how he will play in the game.  Our designer is also figuring out what size he should be to keep the feel of the game the same as with the Spelunky character.  Adding this 3D model has pretty much broken the game for now, but I think once we get it done, it will be great.

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