Thursday, March 26, 2015


So we're nearing the end of the semester and all the art left is mostly refining and finishing.  We decided that we needed better edge art work for the levels and that I needed to redo the graffiti words to look more cohesive.  We also felt that we needed to create more movement in the levels to make it feel more like a factory.  I made a gear asset that will be collidable and rotate, which can interact with goo and add random movement that should be interesting.  Also, I made modular conveyor belt pieces so we can create conveyor belts that are as long as we need them to be.  Each piece has its own sprite sheet so once a conveyor belt is created, it will animate together.  We are also going to make a toy spawner that spits out toys randomly.  We feel like adding these elements will add make the game more dynamic.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


MelterMan was at SaltCON this past Thursday-Saturday.  We got a lot of good feedback and there was a lot of interest, which was great!  There were a lot of kids at the festival, so we got to see how our target audience did with the game.  For the most part, they we able to pick up on the controls very easily.  There are some levels that are too hard too early, so we will have to adjust those, along with a few other tweaks.  The kids especially liked the sandbox level where they could just do whatever they wanted and mess around.  We hope we got the word out and that more people will checkout and play our game.

Friday, March 6, 2015


MelterMan is at GDC!  We've had some really great feedback and interest!  Our Beta is now available for download on our website:  This weekend I am working on the posters for SaltCON.  We will be there Thursday-Saturday next week, get tickets here:   Come and check us out!